Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Specialty 141
Electrical Energetics, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics

What to expect when choosing the Specialty 141?

  • Practice at the leading enterprises of power industry

    • As part of the practice training, students get acquainted with the main power and electrical engineering equipment of the power supply system of industrial enterprises, the operation peculiarities of the distribution systems operators, engineering organizations, objects of traditional and alternative energy generation; study safety rules when servicing electrical equipment; consolidate and deepen knowledge of theoretical disciplines.


  • Use of information technologies in energetics

    • The innovative laboratory of SMARTGRID technologies was created with the support of our partners - the EDS Engineering company, where it is possible to get acquainted with modern samples of electrical equipment used in industry, as well as learn how to design and remotely control this equipment using modern SCADA systems."


  • Electromobility

    • Electromobility is one of the most promising and innovative areas of development of the power, transport and IT industries of the national economy of Ukraine and the world. On the basis of the Dnipro University of Technology, a corresponding laboratory of decentralized power supply systems and diagnostics of electric vehicles has been created, which allows diagnosing this type of transport, analyzing how electric vehicles can interact with various types of alternative energy sources, including solar power plants."


  • Innovation hub DTEK DNIPRO GRIDS

    • The university has a number of laboratories created to solve fundamental and applied problems in the field of energetics and energy efficiency. One of these places is the innovative hub DTEK DNIPRO GRIDS, opened thanks to our reliable business partner "DTEK Dnipro Grids". The newly created comfortable space will help students and teachers to get to know trends in modern energetics. Career orientation meetings, open days, excursions, master classes and other events are held here."



  • Modern laboratories

    • In the authorized laboratory of power systems and grids SICAME, created with the support of Sicame Ukraine, samples of modern electrical equipment are presented: power transmission lines with protected wires and self-supporting insulated wires, fittings of overhead and cable power transmission lines.
      The laboratory of energy management and energy audit of industrial and public facilities allows conducting research in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency. For example, with the help of an industrial drone, it is possible to perform a thermal imaging survey of high-rise buildings, walls of multi-story buildings, roofs, as well as to identify places of existing overheating of power grids and electrical equipment."



  • Mechatronics and robotics

    • The essence of mechatronics is the management, maintenance and repair of industrial robots and modern automated equipment.
      The laboratory of mechatronics and robotics is equipped with operational models of the technological equipment of the German company Fischertechnik: conveyors, automated warehouses, color sorting lines, metalworking lines, robots, etc. Models include electric motors, sensors, controllers, compressors. "





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